The Nameless Chronicles

The Last Bar Study

The last of this “Bar Bible Study” series was last week.  Mr. Engineer told me that the speaker was going to be a friar, and as such, my entire morning and afternoon was filled with giggles and guffaws resulting from an image of Friar Tuck running around my mind.  Seriously, how could anyone expect me to get much work done with the prospect of seeing a fat man with a rounded baldspot, Beatles bowl haircut, brown habit and wool corded belt.  I felt it only right, with my vow to be upfront and honest with Mr. Engineer, to share with him all the joy I had throughout the day relishing in the thought of the coming evening and he seemed to take it well, enjoying the humor as well, though not as much as me.  Then he completely deflated my balloon by saying that he thought it was just a priest.  I know, bummer.

We got to the bar and were ushered outside this week to the patio.  It was really nice to be outside and not have to worry about being cold all night.  We ordered our supper and gabbed with the others at our table.  We talked about college and majors and jobs/careers.  Everyone assumed that I was Catholic as well and when the discussion came around to me, I was asked what my major was.  I answered, “Christian Ministries.”  Really?  What school did you go to? “Super-tiny Baptist College. [paraphrase]”  The next two questions were priceless.  “So…are…you Baptist?”  um, yes…?  “Are….you comfortable here?”  um, yes…?

Jokes ensued about how the seat I had chosen was perfect for either a quick get-away or to keep an eye on everyone in the room for protection.  The priest then walked up amidst our laughter and I have to say that I was sorely disappointed.  He was a priest, yes, but in plain clothes.  He shared his story and talked about “hearing God in everyday situations.”  His talk was kind of odd, but good for the most part.  I’d say that I agreed with about 70% of what he had to say.

Everything finished, and we took off back to my place.  When we pulled into my drive-way, we stood and chatted by his Jeep for a few minutes.  I asked him what he thought about the meeting.  He said it was good and we talked about times that we had heard God speaking in our lives.  He asked what I thought of it and I thought this was a good opportunity to tell him how dead-set I am on not becoming Catholic.  He didn’t really respond but I figured it’d be food for thought until we saw each other again on Sunday.

I spoke with my pastor’s wife about the religious differences and we agreed that my biggest problem was that I need someone to serve with me in the same church…and that church can’t be a Catholic one.  I think I’d be able to serve with Mr. Engineer in the same church…but that it would probably have to be Catholic. Oh well.  I was still on a bum of not hearing a friar speak…

(as this happened last Thursday, there have been a few events since left out of this blog.  I will work to bring you all up-to-date.  Keep your eyes peeled!)

Bible Study…in a Bar?

You know how it feels when you are so totally different from the people there (or rather, you perceive yourself to be so totally different) – I felt like each person there, unspoken, knew that I was one of “those Baptists”.

(Click title for more)